10 Years ago CMM Offroad decided to make a daily use utility part for the Jeep Wrangler JK. Brian sat down with a blank sheet of paper and sketched out a rough idea. The result is the grab handles we still offer today. Over time we have had some revisions but the basic parts are still the same.
The first style made were the "Knuckles" and these first ones were really rough! The idea proved the concept of design would work so the finessing began. It came to mind that the brass knuckle design may not be for everyone, so a "Loop" was made. Brian built these with a culmination of his professional motorsports background & aviation knowledge. The goal was to make a useful part that brought function and style to the Jeep while being engineered as a 100% duty cycle part. 100% duty cycle means, work every time all the time. No loosening up over time, no corrosion issues, etc... We also like to play on the tech side, so a RAM Ball mount was added before they even went to production. We offered the originals in bare aluminum finish or black anodize. About 2 years in, we added color via Cerakote and that has since gone to include Paint match (factory paint match or color code paint match). Over time we have been copied by the expected Chinese knockoffs but also by other American companies. All of these have made structural compromises to save on cost. That is one place that we will never compromise! It goes back to our basic fundamental rule. It was said by a multi championship winning racer years ago, " We know which parts are the best, we don't care what they cost, we run them and they never fail us!" We thank all of our long time customers and supporters for helping to spread the word about our Handles and look forward to the 15 year mark!